Sweden's Recipe for Sustainability

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Transitioning from the vibrant landscapes of India to the green ethos of Sweden, my academic pursuit at Lund University has become a journey of environmental enlightenment. Here, I’ve been introduced to the European Union’s Farm to Fork Strategy, a cornerstone of the European Green Deal aimed at making food systems fair, healthy, and environmentally-friendly.

The Farm to Fork Strategy is the EU’s ambitious plan to ensure that the food we eat is produced, processed, and consumed in a way that benefits our health, the environment, and the economy. It seeks to reduce the food system’s environmental impact, ensure food security, and promote sustainable practices across the entire food value chain.

Embracing this strategy in Sweden, I’ve found a deep connection between my Indian heritage and Sweden’s commitment to sustainability—a concept that transcends boundaries and unites us in a common goal.

In Sweden, sustainability isn’t just policy; it’s a way of life. This resonates with me personally, offering a fresh perspective on how food systems can impact our planet. Adapting to Sweden’s sustainable food practices has been enlightening, blending my cultural roots with my newfound environmental consciousness.

This journey is more than an academic adventure; it’s a call to action. It inspires a global dialogue on sustainable living, urging us to rethink our relationship with food, regardless of our geographical origins. As I navigate this Swedish experience, I carry with me the rich lessons of sustainability, ready to share them from India to the world.

Reference: European Commission. (n.d.). The Farm to Fork Strategy. European Commission - Food Safety. Retrieved from : https://food.ec.europa.eu/horizontal-topics/farm-fork-strategy_en#:~:text=The%20Farm%20to%20Fork%20Strategy%20aims%20to%20accelerate%20our%20transition,reverse%20the%20loss%20of%20biodiversity

Roos, P. (2020). The Farm to Fork Strategy. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Retrieved from: https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/fu-food/publikationer/future-food-reports/slu-futurefood_rapport16-6_jordtillbordstrategin_pia-roos_eng.pdf